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Red Sparrow (2018) Review

Red Sparrow is a 2018 spy-thriller film directed by Francis Lawrence who worked with Jennifer Lawrence (the star here) on a couple of the Hunger Games movies, but this is a very different beast. Jennifer Lawrence plays Dominika Egorova (in, it has to be said, a not entirely convincing Russian accent), and Joel Edgerton, Matthias Schoenarts and Charlotte Rampling star as the film's secondary characters. This one is a pretty big departure from what Lawrence has done in the past, although it has to be said that she's making some pretty bold career choices. I'm not the first one to say that, and for a good reason: it's true. After last year's Mother! it appeared as if she was trying purposefully trying to appear in more "mature" films, and believe me, it doesn't get much more mature than Red Sparrow. The film plays out like one of those schlocky exploitation from the seventies, in that there's sexual violence, sex, violence, torture, and all manner o...

Avenger's Infinity War trailer thoughts

So, here we are again. A new Avengers film is coming out very soon. This time it's called Infinity War. The producer, Kevin Feige, says that this one (and Avengers 4) will be an 'ending,' which is of course, not an actual ending. What he means is that it's an end to the MCU in its current form. What it will be in the future, I have no idea. For reference, here is the trailer:

My feelings on this? The trailer seems to be touting a film that is far more dramatic in style than some of the other Avengers films, while attempting to keep all of the stylish dialogue. It seems as if they've learnt from Batman VS Superman/Suicide Squad that darkness in these films is good - just not too much of it. In my opinion, that's a good move. I thought Thor: Ragnarok was fine (it is one of the most comedy-based Marvel films to date), but that seemed to negate the stakes set by the film's story. So, that's what I like about the vibe this trailer gives me.

But to be honest, I find it hard to believe that the people behind these films are going to be taking that many risks in the future. It's pretty clear they've noticed a lot of people were bored with the current formula they were using, and now they've just realised they need to come up with something a bit different, which is why I suspect there's so experimentation going on in the Marvel studios. Their films may be big, exciting and stylish, but there is a distinct lack of originality in a lot of their films, and particularly the ones in the Avengers franchise.

Maybe these two upcoming films will be great, and I'll be pleasantly surprised. I'm going to be watching them, so I hope they are, but I'm not going to be holding my breath. I think these films are treated as a corporate product first and pieces of creative expression second, so I'll be staying cynical for now.


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